Little Wildcats Preschool
2024 - 2025 School Year InformationLittle Wildcats is a high-quality preschool program that is designed to foster pre-academic, social-emotional, speech-language, and motor development in children. Little Wildcats is a blended preschool program operated by West Northfield District 31 serving all preschoolers, including preschoolers who have delays in their development.
Curriculum and Program
- Taught by licensed Early Childhood Teachers (licensed in general education, special education and English language learner certified) with additional teaching assistants and specialists (speech and language pathologist, occupational and physical therapists, school psychologist) supporting the classroom.
- The Creative Curriculum© is a research-based curriculum that serves as the foundation of instruction. Additional programs (Jolly Phonics, Handwriting Without Tears) place heavy emphasis on early literacy skill development.
- Opportunities for teacher-directed learning and self-directed exploration in 11 interest areas: blocks, dramatic play, toys and games, art, library, discovery, sand & water, music & movement, cooking, technology and outdoors.
- Frequent and ongoing assessment of student skill development.
- School setting provides access to a playground, library, indoor activity space and upper grade helpers.
- Prepares students to enter a full day of kindergarten.
Program Highlights:
- Support services for students with disabilities and multilingual learners
- Advancing skills to ensure school readiness
- Teacher-directed learning and self-directed exploration
RegistrationThe program is open to residents or neighboring residents of District 31 upon their third birthday. Proof of residency is required upon registration. Enrollment continues until classrooms are filled.
New and Returning Students:
Please contact Anabel Santiago at or contact the District Office at 847-832-2274 to register (new students) or confirm your spot (returning students).
Tuition for the school year is $3925.
Tuition may be paid in full or a payment plan may be arranged.
Required Forms
Upon entering the preschool program, students will be required to have a physical exam and show proof of required immunizations. This is in accordance with the State of Illinois requirements.
Registration Documents needed at time of registration:
Category A – Provide one (1) document
- Real Estate tax bill or Mortgage document or pay book
- Signed lease (The District must have a valid lease on file at the District office at all times. When your lease expires, please bring a copy of your renewed lease to the District.)
- If leasing: proof of last 2 months rent payments, along with lease
- Section 8 letter
- Military housing letter Category
Category B – Provide two (2) documents
- Gas bill
- Electric bill
- Water/Sewer bill
- Phone bill (home or cell)
- Cable bill
- Vehicle Registration or Insurance
- Bank Statement
- Public Aid or Medicaid letter/card
- Credit Card statement
- Paycheck stub
- City sticker receipt
Birth Certificate
No-Cost Openings Available!
Free enrollment is available for qualifying families through the At-Risk Grant Program.
Eligibility Factors Include:
- Financial need
- English as a second language
- Developmental delays
- Significant educational needs
- Additional services for students qualifying under the McKinney-Vento Act for homelessness support
Anabel Santiago
The preschool follows the District 31 School Calendar available here.
Morning session
8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Afternoon session
12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.